[“I found Archives Canada. Wha... how much to park?”: photos GH]
However, if we wanted information about my father’s war records or my wife’s grand-father’s records we would have to leave the museum, locate the Library and Archives Canada on Wellington St., Ottawa and deposit several loonies and toonies into any available parking meter near the building.
“Look for the building that looks like a communist bunker,” said a helpful staff member from the museum.
[“A communist bunker? Hard to tell.”]
I bit my lip. We were standing in a bunker-style museum. What goes around comes around, I thought.
My wife and I were greeted by two young figures. The scene held more significance after I left the building having seen records (that I can order by mail) related to the arrival to Canada of my late grand-parents - at a young age - on my father’s side.
[“The Canadian-style door handles were appreciated!”]
[“The inside is more glamorous than the outside, for certain.”]
After climbing several stairs my wife and I were several steps closer to interesting family records.
Thank you, Archives Canada! (Our tax dollars at work.)
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