Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I recommend the Ottawa Jail Hostel on Nicholas St.

(Well, at least to those who are used to hostels).

After leaving Archives Canada in Ottawa last week, my wife and I dropped the car back at our hostel’s parking lot before heading out for a well-deserved supper.

[“The hostel is 2 minutes from The Queensway (417). Our room, top right”: photos GH]

Beans and wieners. Where can I get some beans and wieners? I asked myself.

[“Top floor left window - our spacious bathroom”]

Though I could have cooked some up on the spot in the hostel’s pleasant basement kitchen I decided to treat my wife to a lovely meal at The Highlander Pub, but a few short blocks away.

I’m glad I did.

[“Our room was the jail’s hospital before housing female prisoners”]

Inside the cozy pub there was fine service, music, ‘trivia night’ questions, and a few beers I hadn’t ever tried. (And now I have!)

[‘Trivia night regulars keep the place buzzing”]

Though I really like the hostel, and recommend it highly to people who like hosteling, next time we visit our nation’s capital, I think I’ll stay in a hotel closer to the Parliament Buildings.

[“Throw crooks in the clink. The hostel is a jail, after all.”]

That way I can snap 100s of photos (prohibited or not), visit Sparks St., all without having to go up and down 6 flights of stairs several times per day.


About the stairs - no fun with an armload of groceries.


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