My gosh. If we keep going downhill like this we soon won’t be able to afford our jubes jubes habit. And don’t you just love the red ones?
Our federal government will propose another huge deficit budget this year and sometime in the near future our glorious, tidy country will pass $600 billion in debt for the first time in its history.

Where did thriftiness go? Are we spending too much on clothes or fancy cars and perfumes? What?
This from an essay by Nancy Gibbs:
“Judging from the tales about the rise and fall of empires, there is always a point when things are going so well that the emperors doubt that anything could ever go wrong. “Thrift,” warned Nero’s advisor Seneca, “comes too late when you find it at the bottom of your purse.” (Oct. 13, 2008, Time Magazine)
Ok, I admit, we’re not as bad off as France, where the age of eligibility for a full pension is rising in order to help reduce the country’s debt.
But it’s a warning, Canada.
Save up before you get to the bottom of your purse.
More details about the French predicament here.
Please click here to visit another blog that promotes thriftiness.
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