Being a fair-minded man (fairly often), I think it’s about time for the answers, before I forget what I saw, where I went, and how I got there.
Photo 1. “Which Group of Seven painter did this work? Is this a prohibited photo?” Answers: Lawren Harris. Yes.
2. “I took this photo inside which aforementioned building?” Answer: The National Gallery
3. “Inside which building was this picture taken?” Answer: The War Museum
4. “Name the brand of smokes pictured below”: Answer: Virginia
5. “Name the famous playwright smoking his brains out”: Answer: Tennessee Williams
FYI - No monetary prizes will be awarded because the mini-vacation left be flat out broke. However, if you got all six correct, let me know.
Global recognition is almost assured.
If you believe that bit about global recognition you must be new around these parts.
So, how do you like Canada so far?
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