Answer: East of Dorchester, north of the 401 where it, you know, dips.
“And where’s the community center?
Answer: South of Putnam but still north of the 401 dip.
“And what’s with the cows?”
I like biking east of the community center, even though the road is gravel for 2 km., because it leads to a high spot in the road that overlooks farmland that, in my mind, is nature’s version of paradise.
Corn fields have been harvested, trees are beginning to colour and cattle are lowing - down low in one of a few old valleys I’d like to hike with one eye on the lone donkey and a sturdy walking stick in hand.
Someone might well ask, “Would it actually be a ‘lone donkey’ if you were hiking nearby?”
Answer: Good one!
Please click here for photos from the nation’s capital, where cattle low and donkeys graze.
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