Friday, August 19, 2011

The Workshop: “Woo owns the best compost bin? Woo?”

Once the bottom door is built and attached, I’ll push, pull, slide and heave my new compost bin up against the back fence.

Made mostly of cedar (double thickness on the sides), the bin should last for years to come and leave me with very little to throw (weekly) into the green box once our city adopts a ‘collect food scraps’ program.

As well, with a hinged lid that incorporates a very pretty grid pattern of rescued pine strips, I may have the best looking compost bin a person will ever see.

“There’s no latch,” someone might say. “A squirrel or raccoon will open that up in a second. You ain’t seen ugly yet!”

"Hold onto your hat, Sombrero,” I say. “Until I fashion an animal-proof latch, the lid will be weighted down by a heavy metal owl.”

["Woo has a better bin?": photos by G. Harrison]

Really, if a raccoon can lift it, I’m in trouble, ‘cause it’s also likely strong enough to grab me by the scruff of the neck and escort me off my own property.

Will it happen? I don’t think so.

Got a prettier compost bin? I’d like to see it. Let me know.


Please click here for more from The Workshop.


1 comment:

G. Harrison said...

Author's note - I did see a bigger bin in west London, built by a fellow who grew his own hops and brewed and carbonated his own beer. I give him second place, so far, for the bin and top marks for home-made beer. GH