Wednesday, February 14, 2024

More Turtle Tours, 2024 (1)

Why Wait 'Til Spring! 

"Remember me?" From the ever-growing and 'it's taking over'
collection of photographs by GH


Many people have the same problem I do. They take more photos than they can comfortably use/discard/tidy up etc. inside the space of a month or year and one day while browsing or sorting their files they realize there are 10 - 20,000 photographs cluttering up their living space.

Oh, what to do!?

Well, if you're like me (easily entertained, or wanting to become a millionaire - hey, anything's possible -by posting fascinating stuff on YouTube), you'll turn photos into fast-paced and highly educational videos.

"If Gord becomes famous we want our cut!"

"If Gord makes a million I'll sprout wings and fly to Florida!"

So, if you have absolutely nothing to do with your time or you're having trouble sleeping, enjoy the latest video featuring the following stills and more! (Oh, there's always more!)

Please click here to visit the video on YouTube -

Video by GH

Above Photos by GH

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