A $1,200 break for 200 families for 10 years would also fly, like a well struck Titleist over a deep bunker.

[Don’t worry about me, City Hall. Though I can’t afford Highland’s $12,000 upfront membership fee and $5,000 annual year, I can handle my own property taxes for now. I know many other Londoners, however, feel like they’re knee deep in a sand trap at tax time.]
Another way to look at it:
Since Highland has received a $2.4 million break from the citizens of Deforest City, it owes those same people an equal amount of service.
What can Highland Country Club do for its community in lieu of money?
Free golf? Free use of their dining room, bar, grounds? Let’s think about it.
At present, Highland Country Club’s board has thought about it and has “told its members it doesn’t plan to consider changes to the arrangement.”
Really? I get teed off when I hear stuff like that.
[Link to article in today’s London Free Press]
Why does an exclusive golf club get such a great deal?
What was City Hall thinking when the tax deal was inked, 45 years ago?
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