Nature is under attack from an invasive critter - and this time, it’s not man.

["Looks harmless enough, but it ain't": photo link]
But maybe man can help nature fight back.
"The goby is a bottom-dwelling fish that has great potential for causing impacts on Great Lakes fisheries. The round goby takes over prime spawning sites traditionally used by native species, competing with native fish for habitat and changing the balance of the ecosystem." [More information]
Now that sockeye salmon stocks are declining in Canada (see post below) perhaps we can turn our attention to the goby, in the same way Australians did concerning rabbits when that furry creature (to my bearded Aussie friend - I’m referring to the rabbits here) started to take over the continent down under.
Since most North Americans like to eat just about anything in sight perhaps we could add Goby on a Stick to our weekly menu.
Charcoal flavoured Goby, BBQ’d Goby w Lemon Sauce, Grilled Goby w Guinness - all winners.
My suggestion: Use our insatiable appetite to reduce the numbers of this invasive species.
[Originally the round goby and the tubenose goby were introduced into the St. Claire River in 1990, probably via contaminated ballast water of transoceanic ships. Round goby are thriving in the Great Lakes Basin because they are aggressive, voracious feeders which can forage in total darkness.]
I’m onto something, aren’t I?
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