I said, “I call it ‘A Piece of Wood.’”
Don was with me when I bought the slab of mulberry, saw a bit of the frame making process, and spoke first.
“The first things I notice are the four screws.”
Herman said, “Perhaps you could put a bit of green or orange enamel on the screws, make then stand out a bit more, make them more a part of the art piece.”
I considered their ideas and said, “Think about my main audience, people on the street, 75-year old women on bicycles. They won’t notice four small screws.”
[After slaving over the project - I was also onto a new one - I didn’t want any more work.]
Before Don left, he stopped a man who was doing yard work at the church across the street. He walked him over to my front yard and asked his opinion about my art piece.
“What do you think?” he said.
The man, eyes as wide as saucers and likely thinking, who the crap is this guy, said almost immediately, “I like it.”
It might have just been me, but I detected genuine enthusiasm in his voice - mixed with a bit of adrenaline-induced fear.
“It’s just a piece of wood,” I said.
“That’s all it needs to be,” he replied.
After everyone had cleared my yard I thought about the words ‘that’s all it needs to be.’
Pretty fitting, in my humble opinion.
I already have my next project in mind.
I think I’ll call it ‘A Piece of Walnut.’
Stay tuned.
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