If I’m browsing at a bookstore and somebody asks if it’s hot enough for me I’ll give a ‘six of one, half-dozen of the other’ type of shrug and keep looking for a good book at a bargain price.

Chances are, if it's really hot, I won’t want to discuss anything in much detail. Too much effort.
[I'm sitting in front of a fan right now so I'll tell you I had good luck with bargain books yesterday.
Long Way Down (re a motorcycle trip, and I love road trips) for $7.99.
song for the blue ocean (the Silent Spring of our time, so I’m told) for $5.99.
And The Suicidal Planet: How to prevent global climate catastrophe (there may still be time to slow or undo some damage we have caused) for $4.99.
Can you beat that for under 20 bucks?
I’m waiting.]
However, though I don’t talk much about the weather, I'm aware that July was a bit of a bummer for those who love hot summer days. And August didn’t start out much better.
Then, without warning (I don’t watch weather reports on TV either), Deforest City was smacked with a couple of warm days in a row this week and the humidity has risen through the roof.
I would have told you sooner but I was stuck to the vinyl seats in my van.
Good thing I had some reading material with me.
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