First, he’s a contrarian.
["Two peas in a pod" - Ollie and me]
“You look tired. How about a nap, Ollie?” Grandma will ask.
“No nap, Nana,’ he’ll reply. I say the same thing every time the topic comes up.
Second, he’s a storyteller.
I’ll ask him to identify some toy and he’ll give me 300 words [re country of origin, where it was purchased, how much it cost, that he’s in the middle of a game and he’d like me to keep my hands off it, etc.] when only one is needed. He’s got a future with The Londoner, for sure.
And third, he likes having his own way.
["We can both count to twelve": photo GAH]
Yesterday, while hitting and counting the tops of fence posts next to The Annex [my spare shed; the place I keep stuff that doesn’t fit in the main shed], Ollie was told not to tap his stick on the window.
“Papa says no,” Nana told him, hoping the mention of my name would carry some weight.
Without missing a beat, Ollie said, “Papa says yes.”
He didn’t break anything but it’s pretty clear he’s been picking up a few of my bad habits.
Will we have our hands full by the time he’s three?
Papa says yes.
Oh yes. Hands full. But he sounds like a smart little cookie.
bobbie, you're right. Smart as a cookie.
Like his Papa?
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