“I’m happy to tell Barber (city councillor) that my morals (or principles with respect to right or wrong conduct) are fine as I am adhering to the policies and agreements established by the city with Highland over 45 years ago.”
Good for you, Grant. Go get ‘em.
Standing up for Highland Country Club is your right.
["I'll stand by my sign": photo by GAH]
But you miss the main point.
The deal smells (an exclusive club pays only 60 per cent of its taxes yet can afford a $3.5 million overhaul) and is totally unfair to every citizen and sports facility who does not get the same deal in this happy town I love to call Deforest City.
I have no doubt that members of the country club are as Grant describes, “respectful, responsible, hard-working and advocates for the city.”

["Do some golfers have a deep-rooted sense of entitlement?"]
But how quickly will Grant and his golfing pals advocate for a fair tax structure, where everyone is treated equally, and is expected to pay their share - even those who can afford a $12,000 upfront membership fee and $5,000 annual dues?
Adhere all you want, Grant. Just know the deal the deal is totally unfair, except to the members of your exclusive club.
Time to make my signs for my mini-protest, Day 3.
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