I wanted to collect information about the Club’s 1963 tax deal with City Hall.
["Mini-protest hits the Highlands": photo by GAH]
The Club deferred (i.e. we’ll never see it) $158,000 this year alone, for a total of $2.4 million so far. So far! Next year they win the lottery again. The year after that, they win the lottery again.
So I ever so politely asked for the names of Board members and minutes from Board meetings from that year - and what kind of knife they use to cut the crusts off their bread for their annual banquet.
Serrated or butcher?
I’m sure Club president Ellen Kerr will happily comply with my homemade request for information form.
While waiting I’ll continue to quietly protest by placing my huge placards on the boulevard near the entrance to the club. Or little ones - Bristol board is so expensive these days.
[Link to article in recent London Free Press]
Though Kerr said in a recent newsletter that “the tax issue has been put to rest. We have no plans to revisit this arrangement,” I bet she’ll change her tune momentarily, to help remove the smell from the Highlands.
Maybe it's those sandwiches.
Should I hold my breath?
Will the club just ignore me, like they ignore common decency?
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