[Summer will end (actually, has it even started?), my series re ‘unique local neighbourhoods’ will end as well, and I’ll strike a new course, likely a brilliant one.]
I think a few articles could spring from this quote by Ronald Wright:
“If civilization is to survive, it must live on the interest, not the capital, of nature.”
“Ecological markers suggest that in the early 1960s, humans were using about 70 per cent of nature’s yearly output: by the early 1980s we’d reached 100 per cent; and in 1999, we were at 125 per cent. Such numbers may be imprecise but their trend is clear - they mark the road to bankruptcy.”
From that one quote several titles for articles come to mind:
“We’re eating too much of our planet too quickly”
“The bright side of the recession from Mother Earth’s point of view”
“Should we schedule another recession for the sake of future generations?”
“Can we dial back our lifestyle by even 10 per cent?”
“What happens when North America applies for bankruptcy?”
The book might be called A Short History of Progress for good reason.
Can you see evidence that we’re eating too much of our planet too quickly?
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