While motorcycling yesterday on my 1994 Yamaha Virago I managed to stay dry under dark gray skies, find new beauty in an old school house, and reconnect with a childhood friend.
After zigzagging across country to escape the rain clouds I eventually landed in the small town of Norwich, still home to a few relatives and most of my childhood memories (I lived there from age 6 - 18).
I attached another birdhouse to a large cedar tree near my parents’ grave site and turned toward London, my current home.
On the way I decided to stop in Burgessville to photograph my first home (I lived in it from birth - so I was told - to age 6) and school.
Pictures are worth a 1,000 words, but I’ll be brief.
The two-room school is now a museum.
A magnificent chestnut tree guards the sidewalk to the front door of the school.
Three doors down from the school I found these birdhouses in front on my first home. (That’s one of the best picture I have of the house. I got distracted.)
I started chatting with a fellow who lives next door to my first home (in Mrs. Hillicker’s old house) and told him that only 3 or 4 spruce trees remain from what once was a solid hedge of trees.
I am standing (on the left, with both scruffy legs hanging out) in front of the young spruce tree hedge with my two sisters (far right) and Chick and Susie Rose. Photo, circa 1954.
The fellow I chatted with gave me directions to the home of a childhood friend.
We started up a long conversation as soon as we met so I have no photo of Rick, and though he was the first of my old pals who ever bought a motorcycle (a 650cc BSA Thunderbolt; a fitting name when considering yesterday’s weather) he never bought another one.
He was impressed with mine, however, and we have planned to meet again in a couple of weeks.
Not every ride is quite so memorable.
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