After knocking over towers of empty film canisters for 15 minutes (“Pile them up again. Pile them up again. Again. Again...”) he climbed happily onto my lap to watch the Ollie file on my computer, dozens of photos old and new.
I enjoyed the peaceful reprieve more than he enjoyed the random pics that floated across the screen.
["A basketful of Ollie - Dec. 2008": photo by GAH]
But as soon as he saw shots of himself inside my laundry basket, I was put back to work.
“Empty the basket,” he said. “Carry me.”
And around and around the house we went, he in charge of the spaceship, me in charge of keeping him aloft.
Thankfully, Nanna saved me from one hundred trips around the galaxy by distracting him with a reading of Bialosky’s Christmas.
["Read it again. Again.": today's photo by GAH]
Actually, they’re now on the third reading.
If I could bottle his enthusiasm I’d make a million bucks.
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