Some of his toys I really like. Anything associated with Thomas the Train will absorb our attention for quite some time.
["Harold, you're a good toy in my book": photos GH]
Harold the Helicopter is a good toy in my book, though the string and magnet aren’t strong enough to scoop up or rescue anything heavier than a paper clip. A bigger magnet would hold my attention longer, for sure. (I want to move trains to the other side of Sodor Island at least every other day).
Ollie’s large helicopter and two action figures brought me a laugh this morning, along with the opportunity to teach him something new.
“Take off their helmets,” I said. “I want to show you something.”
He complied and asked, “What is it?”
["Look at our hair!!. We'll be mocked by the whole department!"]
I said, “These guys have hat head, massive hat head.”
In fact, they have permanent massive hat head and both officers will be very embarrassed by the accompanying photo.
Shortly thereafter, I spent 5 - 10 frustrating minutes attempting to solve a dilemma, i.e., how to transform Ollie’s Star Wars jet into another character. The instruction booklet is back at his house and I am in no way tempted to go get it. It would surely take me an hour to flip and fold and twist and turn the jet into a monster of some sort.
["Hi, I'm Harold. Who the heck - or what - are you?"]
I’d rather just play catch.
Where’s my old ball glove?
Have you had to face a frustrating toy recently?
Did you shoot it? Throw it out the window? Solve it?
Please click here to read Bits and Pieces.
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