A few moments ago I noticed that the snow atop bother feeders was disturbed.
“Those darn squirrels are jumping out of the trees again,” I said aloud. “Where’s my shotgun?”
["Trouble at the feeders, I think": photos GH]
[Author’s note: I don’t own a shotgun. In serious situations like this, however, I sure wish I had one. A 16-gauge would be nice!]
I reached for my camera and went out back to study the damage and look for tracks.
Well, the only tracks I found belonged to small birds. They must land atop the feeders once in awhile. Makes sense to me.
There were no squirrels tracks on the ground, as well.
["Nothing was amiss - this time!"]
Though I’d besmerched the name of squirrels everywhere and appreciated the break from writing vignettes, I didn’t apologize.
More about flying squirrels at my feeder here.
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