All Dads Have Gas
Again, Another Interlude
The boy calls them stinkers.
The father calls them farts.

["Do you call them quacks or toots?"]
I would guess the mother calls them toots.
I call them stinkers too.
My oldest son calls them barking spiders.

["Do you call them bad apples or stink bombs?"]
I think my youngest son calls them poo-poo noises because that’s what his son Ollie calls them when he visits and passes gas.
My wife doesn’t call them anything, but she always says excuse me whenever she passes gas - which is quite often, I must say.
What do you call them?
Please click here to read New Children’s Book Pt 5: “All Dads Have Gas”.
Although the three year old can't say "f" so it comes out "windyplupps". Very onomatopoeic.
Hi Jess,
I think windyplupps should go in the book. What do you think?
And... are you still a Londoner or are you now a Hamiltonian?
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