While QMI Agency spouts the following, i.e., “we must get our (public) spending under control... we must get public sector pay hikes under control - now - (because) they are ticking time bombs...” (Dec. 28, London Free Press) PM Harper argues “that it is vital that the last of an annual series of corporate tax cuts be allowed to proceed” (on Jan. 1, the corporate tax rate fell to 16.5% from 18% and next year the rate is scheduled to fall further to 15%; Jan. 08, Free Press).
Our Prime Minister, who has not put a penny toward our record-setting and growing debt, must idolize the US example.

["US debt is growing by over one trillion per year, and is now over $13 Trillion. No turn round in sight."]
Please note the following: "It was noticed that from the second half of the 1990s on, two-thirds of American corporations paid no federal income tax. Yet corporate profits were soaring. Ninety percent of companies paid under 5 percent of their total income.” (pg. 188, The Collapse of Globalism, J.R. Saul)

["Canada's debt declined until 2007-2008: It is growing again and will pass $600 Billion very soon."]
And Harper must subscribe to the globalist economic theory that “taxes as a tool of social redistribution must not be mentioned because it endangers the principles of global competitiveness...” (pg. 226, ibid)
I have a hunch that if the PM continues idolizing and subscribing and cutting as he does, many Canadians will see nothing but more tough times ahead.
I don’t believe Harper’s FINAL tax cuts are final.
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