Some readers will surely say, “Yeh, from what I’ve read, GH always sounds so well-balanced!”
Why, thank you.
However, I grind my teeth regularly about some small things.
For example, when I saw pineapple pieces in a plastic container this morning a few ‘unkind’ thoughts crossed my mind.
Why the plastic? Must we buy food that’s shipped 1000s of miles?
Within a millisecond, however, I cooled down because I realized the pineapple was purchased primarily for our grandson. My wife wants him to have daily portions of healthy fruit. Local turnips and Brussel sprouts just might not pass the sniff test.
My reasoning didn’t make me feel 100 per cent better, just some better.
Then, when I tried to nab a piece I couldn’t open the stupid container.
I can open bags of potato chips, never a problem. But certain plastic grips make some containers grumpy-adult-proof. They’re enough to make my head spin.
Almost fall off.
So, I ate a Brussel sprout from Beamsville.
Lite News or ‘another frustration’ (depends on your point of view) here.
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