Jumbled reasons: I'm retired. I like good tunes. Used CDs were inexpensive for a time at Dr. Disc and The Village Idiot. The Idiot is close to my favourite coffee shop.
Now, my love is fading.
Main reason: The last CD I purchased took 30 minutes to open. The one before that took 20 minutes. The one before that - 10. Average time - 20 minutes, and growing.
Heck, there’s always been the plastic wrap that’s on tighter than a rusted bolt on the ’64 Volkswagen I used to own. As well, I have to use sharp scissors and usually come close to poking my eye out while sitting too close to my TV.
And now, as on my latest purchase (and last? Ever?), I find that once through the plastic skin I have to deal with strips of tape - applied by some heartless beggar - at the top and bottom of the case.
["WTHeck?! Cancel my dentist's appointment!": photo GH]
I’m growing older. I just can’t spare the time anymore.
Some good news about good tunes right here.
More Bits and Pieces right here.
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