["The green stain shows up but the house looks fine and dandy to me."]
Several times I thought of burning them all but couldn't bring myself to burn more than two or three cracked ones. I tried using a few for birdhouses but the green stain required at least two coats of primer and coloured paint. Then, about 6 weeks ago, a worthy idea finally came to mind... log cabin style birdhouses.
["Old barn board looks great in log cabins."]
["The perch is unique. It's off the end of a broom stick."]
Slowly but surely the pile of battens under the tarp is shrinking. It would shrink faster if I hadn't also found fine old barn board under the same tarp ("Oh, this will look just dandy too!") and if I hadn't purchased five new sheets of barn board recently to see how the new wood would compare with the old. But it's shrinking nonetheless.
["New barn board is easy to use."]
By spring I should have the deck cleared - no more tarp - and a basement full of log cabins. And so it goes.
Photos by GH
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