Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Carry On Gang 40 "Bird Power"

A Banner Week

"Too mild for me. Feels like April"

The week has just begun and already it's right up there with some of the best when I consider pace, distance and bird-watching. I've walked 15.5 miles from Sun. - Tues., all cylinders are firing, weather has been very mild (overly, for my taste), and a variety of birds have appeared close to my walking route.

The list includes: bald eagles, nuthatches, wrens, robins, a Peregrine falcon (on Bruce Street) and young brown-tailed hawk (yesterday). I wish I had a better camera and was a better photographer sometimes.

 "I say it's a young hawk because it did not fly away when I drew closer"

"Good photo, eh!"

More photos from along the way:

"Nick Paparella, hard at work on Monday" 

Link to Carry On Gang 37

Photos GH

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