Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Birds, Pt. Bruce and Berries 2.

The Easy Life.

[Photo: Curious Boy is rewarded, 30 minutes from home.]

I could say we are both curious. I frequently check out mud swallow nests; mud swallows check out me.

Within 60 kilometres of my front door I can easily make a handful of stops - while motorcycling - that are both pleasant and rewarding. I can park myself under a small bridge and watch birds soar past me at 100 miles per hour. I can stroll a humble beach area, feel a fresh breeze blow through what's left of my hair. I can stop to gauge the health of this year's elderberry crop (Top Rate).

Photos from along the way:

 I expected more swallows at the door. All up and gone?

 Elderberry bushes are in full flush, with countless blooms and berries

 Soon the blush of purple will appear

 Two classics and a wannabe!

Bike. Bike. Beauty.

And pleasant stops offer more. A glimpse of classic cars and aroma of classic BLTs and the stir of wind and wave.

Please link to Birds and Elderberries.

Photos GH

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