Tuesday, December 29, 2020

"1000 Maybe 2000 Fish": The Movie : )

Sure, I Could Make a Movie if I Wanted to Make a Movie

Here's How it Would Work by G. Harrison

The mouth of Carling Creek (opposite bank) is stuffed with gizzard shad


I have observed the swarm of shad every day that I have walked over the wee walkway (part of the TVP North) - several times per week - since the end of November. I have taken scores of photos and a dozen videos using various cameras at my disposal (pocket, digital 35mm, Go Pro, iPhone 6). I've been tempted to sketch a few but they typically just flick their tail at me and move away!

If I had the patience and know how, I would splice all of my stills and videos together into one long, pot-boiler of a movie - "Finding Steamo, the Shadowy Shad" - and make my fortune.

But instead, I'll download my latest videos and keep on keeping my eye on these interesting creatures during my daily walks.

Please link to "1000 Maybe 2000 Fish" Still a Story for more photographs (still no sketches).

Photos GH


Karas Kitchen said...

Good reading this posst

G. Harrison said...

Thanks for visiting "It Strikes Me Funny", Kara. Your blog looks awesome : ) GH