Saturday, July 26, 2008

Even in black and white Canada rocks

Carmi at Written Inc. has created a unique opportunity for students of photography who live near things that exist in black and white, or like me, know how to click a button or two on iPhoto.

Does this include you?

Carmi’s theme this week at Thematic Photographic is - monochrome.

Three things I know for sure about monochrome.

1. My brother, a professional artist, taught me how to paint in monochrome and add colours later. Toughest assignment I ever had.

[Old cottage on Bass Lake, near Wiarton ONT: oil paint, GAH]

2. Georgian Bay feels even colder in black and white

3. Without colour Canada still rocks

[Click here to see four more photos, three in B and W]



carrie said...

I think your photos ROCK.

Totally. And Canada too.

Coach Paulette said...

Very beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing them!

smarmoofus said...

Canada may rock, but your painting is groovy. You painted that without colour? I can imagine the difficulty that posed.
