Let’s see. Where am I at?
For example, I listed the following:
1. No New Clothing
For the second year in a row... I will buy no new clothes
I’m happy to report that - except for one slip - I am nearing the end of the year and am still well-clothed.
["New straw hat - hiding in the closet": photos GH]
(The slip - I bought a new straw hat in May or June, realized my gaffe a week later, set the new hat aside, and later bought a used one at a flea market in Fenelon Falls.)
["Used straw hat - now my favourite"]
Though I primarily wear used jeans and well-worn T-shirts every day, when asked, I can shine myself up like a new dime and put on suit pants, shirts and jackets that look almost brand new but were not purchased in the last two years.
Lessons learned - most well-made clothing lasts a long, long time.
And used clothing in great repair is plentiful.
Honestly, I could probably go for a third year without any new clothes except for - okay, this could be embarrassing - two main reasons.
I need a few pairs of socks.
And... underwear.
Sounds like a Christmas wish list if I ever saw one.
I may not continue ‘Green Ideas’ next year but my habit of buying used duds is well established and will last a lifetime.
More ‘Green Ideas’ review to follow.
Read about Climate Change Concerns here.
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