Prince William of England will marry Kate Middleton (commonly known around Buckingham Palace as ‘the commoner’) in April, 2011.
Odds are, I’ll likely receive an invite to the shindig.
I’m not going to ask to go - that would appear presumptuous of me, and if I can humbly say anything about me, it’s that I don't presume to know anything - but, if invited, I’ll book passage right away, then shine myself up like a new dime.

[“Don’t forget my next shed night”: photo link]
There will likely be no invitation forthcoming from the Palace for Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harperpants. I can almost guarantee it.
Why is he off the ‘in’ list?
Because of recent reports in the paper.
Though the PM says “the newest royal couple are welcome to come to Canada any time,” he didn’t issue a specific invitation with a specific date. (Nov. 17, London Free Press)
It’s like he said, “Give me a call - whenever - and I’ll think about putting clean sheets on the guest room bed, then get back to you. Maybe.”
I’m the opposite.
I say, “Prince William and Kate, you’re invited to my next shed night, Thursday, December 2nd, 2010. BYOB. RSVP not required.”
Also, under the heading of “Massive Faux Pas” in the PM’s case, it was reported that “Harper offered Prince William and his bride-to-be “warm wishes” on behalf of Canadians.”
Warm wishes? I’ve never heard of such a thing.
How can you get away without saying, at the very least, “the warmest of all possible wishes, ya two lovebirds ya”?
Me in. Harper out.
More Prince William and Kate right here.
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