E.g., kind of in “I can see part of the reason but not all of it” territory.
Truth be told, right now, I’m not completely shocked.
["You can't easily surprise this kid!": GH circa 1955]
Our energy demands continue to rise, for one thing
Many people and politicians realize coal isn’t so cheap in the long run, so, want off ‘black juice’ as I like to call it
Infrastructure for nuclear plants is expensive
Maintaining water-driven hydro plants is expensive
And start-up fees for supplemental solar and wind programs are not cheap and we’re coming late to that table.
Taken together, these factors (there are others) add up to a hefty and growing bill.
No wonder people are complaining. My neighbours have taken to hiding their mailbox when hydro bills are delivered.
Opposition parties are complaining. Hydro bills could be a big election issue soon.
And the party in power is feeling so much heat they’re going to preside over a $6.4 billion Ontario Clean Energy Benefit to cushion the blow to some ratepayers, at the same time hoping taxpayers will not understand their part in paying off the $6.4 billion cost. (Hint: Ratepayers and taxpayers know each other quite well).
However, in spite of the loud complaints I’m not fully shocked by increasing rates.
Are you?
More to follow.
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