Also, 75 % of respondents said “they planned to use any extra income or a bonus to pay down debt or save.”
I ask you, re Canadians who show a reluctance to spend and a desire to save actually being rational?
Said a spokesperson for Deloitte Canada:
“The Canadian consumer has weathered the storm well. They are holding their own, but there is reluctance to spend money and that’s rational.” (Nov. 17, London Free Press)
I agree, it’s rational.
(I’d applaud more loudly if survey reps would actually call us ‘people’ every once in awhile, and not consumers first or foremost.
Dictionary definition - rational - endowed with reason, reasoning; sensible, sane, moderate, not foolish or absurd or extreme.
Going into more debt at Christmas time is not sensible. It’s insane. Buying more stuff is often foolish and absurd, especially when the giver can’t afford it and the receiver doesn’t really need it.
I ask you -
how can we escape the buying frenzy?
how can we approach the Christmas season rationally?
how can we control our spending without it controlling us?
Counting today, there are 32 days before Christmas arrives.
Let’s use them wisely.
["Maybe I'll make birdhouses and fill them w shortbreads": photo GH]
Recent photographs from the side of the road here.
I wish I could check out of the Christmas season. With two children at school it's going to be hard to calm the hype.
the hype started about 15 seconds after Remembrance Day ended. Such a smack.
I'm motivated to save this year because of a BC trip in 2011 or 2012.
Birdhouses to all! (w shortbread cookies inside.)
We will definitely be cutting back at our house same as last year..youngest sister had the great idea to give to a charity instead of giving gifts to each other..we will continue on in that vain. Might buy hubby a new pr. of mocassins as his toe is sticking out of one. We are pinching pennies like mad for our May renovations in P.E.I. and paying down debt. It's all about "need" now, not want..Love L.Dee
Hi LD,
Need is a great motivator to save. Jeem needs new shoes or slippers, however, so treat him well.
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