["Can you see the hole under the painted trim?": photos GH]
Canadian winter is on the way and should arrive in Wortley Village about 3 weeks after Christmas.
["While viewing photos, hum the William Tell Overture"]
Local squirrels will be ready for it.
While at The Little Red Roaster this morning, I saw a black squirrel make several trips across a nearby roof top with leaves in its mouth.
["The squirrel enters the hole, deposits the leaves, scoots off for more"]
I put down my coffee - I don't do that for any little thing - and snapped a few shots.
["What TV show opened with the William Tell overture?"]
If I was half as industrious, my attic would have more insulation and the front door would be weather-stripped to the nines.
Yeah, yeah, I'll think about it - after a refill.
Do you know what TV show opened with the William Tell overture?
Please click here for more exciting news about local squirrels.
Also, ever heard of Brunswick Stew?
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