Yes, I’m a cheap old beggar but that’s not the reason for the leftovers.
Let’s take one step back.
Earlier this morning I found a dish of round foil-covered Hallowe’en pumpkins.
["Gotta few minutes? Help yerself": photo GH]
I thought, hey, we have some leftover candies.
I took a mittful.
(Def’n - careful = full of care. Mittful = full of mitts).
Later, at my desk, I realized why we have leftovers of small delicious chocolate pumpkin balls covered in foil.
An average person cannot open the darn things without surgical instruments.
I’ve tried, dozens of times, to get the foil off carefully. It can’t be done, and I’m pretty sure I’m average.
That’s why they’re left over.
And that’s why, next year, likely the year after that and the year after that, young kids are going to get mittfuls on Hallowe’en night.
More Lite News here.
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