There are even more signs if toques and scarves are included.
Whatever the total, here are three more:
["Cold gray water - coming from Cameron Lake, Fenelon Falls": photo GH]
1. Ice has formed on Cameron Lake, on the north side of Fenelon Falls.
(I saw it with my own eyes. No camera available at the time. Sorry).
2. My wife and I had to take turns pushing our twin grand-daughters in their stroller this morning - our hands got so cold - because we didn't have sturdy gloves or even one pair of the aforementioned mittens. (usually she hogs the stroller and I just get to watch).
3. I had to wear my wife's toque after about 5 minutes to keep my ears from falling off.
Def'n - toque; a woolen cap that can be pulled down over the ears to prevent them from freezing or falling off. Some toques, aka toboggans, have pointy tops and make the wearer look like an over-grown elf. Fashion police should be called in such a case.
Tomorrow's temperature is supposed to be be about 14 degrees Celsius.
What's up with our weather?
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