I just read the following headline:
U.S. growth could stall (Nov. 2, London Free Press)
Yes it could. I’ve heard via the grapevine that Republicans and Democrats don’t get along too well and one party may not help the other to move the U.S. forward.
Concern about “the stall” may grow on the Canadian side of the border too because as far as this old economist knows (it’s a poorly kept secret), 70% of Canada’s exports go south to the U.S. and at least 90% of fuel exports from Alberta, home of the Tar Sands and some of the dirtiest water in the world, go south as well.
In other words, whatever stalls in the U.S. stalls in Canada too.

["How do we put people back to work?"]
Though Pres. Obama and P.M. Harper will try hard to make a dent in the high unemployment rate (approaching 10% in both countries), new jobs will likely be slow to develop.
This is where our pointy shaped thinking caps come in.
Ideas that will create employment are needed.
Would a 38-hour work week (vs 40) help put some people back to work? What would be the pros and cons related to such a measure?
Would it make sense to fire some of the machines that have taken jobs away from labourers, e.g., in our highly industrialized agri-business, and then give those jobs back to willing hands?
Would it make sense to promote a “Buy N. American products” plan?
I’m looking for idea number four.
Pres. Obama has another stimulus package on his agenda in order to rebuild U.S. infrastructure.
Will that help in the short-term, long-term?
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