Q: How do birds keep warm in cold weather?
A: In various ways. Most birds fluff our their feathers to trap an insulating layer of warm air near their body. Some also huddle together in winter roosts, taking advantage of their collective body temperature. Food is a vital factor: a hungry, under-weight bird is far more likely to perish from cold than a fat healthy one!” (pg. 30, The Birder’s Companion)
Today at 9 a.m. I spotted what looked like a fat, healthy mourning dove enjoying early rays of light and warmth while roosting just outside my back window.
After a few seconds I realized its partner was nearby. They soon perched together, perhaps because they spotted me and felt there was strength in numbers. Maybe to share warmth.
["Move over." "You move over." "I asked you first.": photos GH]
I like waking up the same way.
Sunbeams on my face. A warm partner on the next branch. One of us with enough energy to put on a pot of coffee.
Please click here for more Bird Watching.
Time for a refill. (It was my turn this morning).
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