“Rising fuel prices are hitting restaurants hard, a double whammy in an industry where many already struggle to survive.
“Canadians love eating out. In a poll by the (national restaurant) association, going out to a restaurant was the number one activity Canadians did with friends and family.
“On a typical day, Canadians make 17.7 million visits to restaurants, the association says.” (Kelly Pedro, Mar. 11, London Free Press)
Here’s what I think:
As fuel prices and a dozen other thing$ go North ($$), the number of visits to restaurants will slowly decline to 17.6 million visits.

["Let's all return to the 1940s, when stuff was real cheap"]
Some of our favourite diners will raise the price on their ‘daily special.’ Real tears will be shed inside one of the Malibu restaurants right here in Deforest City by customers and management staff.
Some of our favourite eateries will close. Tears will be shed outside one of the Malibu restaurants while a manager nails a big piece of plywood over the front door.
The price of nails will rise. The new price on an Estwing hammer will break many hearts.
Gradually, and begrudgingly, a small handful of Canadians will attempt to cook a meal of their own in order to save money. Again, real tears will be shed. The gnashing of teeth will be heard in Wortley Village but the exact location of the sound will elude listeners for quite some time.
["The guy's full of crap": photo by GH]
A little-known columnist will write about how he saves real money by making his own Frontier Stew, breakfast cereal and lasagna. He won’t win a Pulitzer. He will be labelled a loon.
And one teenager will politely suggest he’s full of crap.
You guessed it. More frustrations to follow.
Please click here to read It Strikes Me Funny PT 1: Is ‘restaurant trouble’ big trouble?
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