[“Mr. Harper will steer the election campaign toward the evil coalition. Stupid idea. He will also offer income splitting to some families... in the future, maybe. He continues to hinder the democratic process as he has done in the past, as in the Tar Sands. He relies on a negative ad campaign to do so.” Mar. 31, It Strikes Me Funny by G. Harrison]
Talk about smoke and fire down your pants.
Last night I was enjoying a program on TV and, during a break, one of Mr. Harper’s many negative ads appeared on the screen. Large white letters. Mr. Ignatieff linked to a coalition. Very small white letters. The date. 2008.
Old news it was. From an angry, insecure Prime Minister.
The ad helped me recall the time in 2004 when Harper wanted to lead a coalition himself to replace the Liberals. Was it a stupid, evil idea then?

["Is this head the home of all that is negative?"]
The reason why Harper, Harperites and all residents of Harperville love their blunt and bland negative ads is because Conservative support across Canada comes in at around 37% during elections, the majority of Canadians are completely willing to support someone who is not Stephen Harper, and negative ads encourage people to stay at home on election night.
That’s right, Canada. Harper doesn’t want all people to vote. Talk about a defender of democracy.

He wants Conservatives to vote (They love his ads, by the way. They’ll vote until the cows come home) but he doesn’t want the other 63% (approx.) of Canadians to vote.
He would rather blow smoke and fire down your pants, lead you to believe that there isn’t an MP in the House of Commons you can trust (except his band of merry men) and make you think there’s no good reason to vote.
Harper’s negative ads don’t work on me. They remind me of why Harper is the first PM in Canadian and Commonwealth history to be called into contempt of Parliament.
The Grand Wizard of smoke and fire is such a tiny little fellow when you get to know him.
More to follow.
Please click here to read ‘Smoke and fire PT 3.'
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