You know that lever on a tub faucet that activates the shower when it’s pulled up and drains the shower line when pushed down? Ours is a bit sticky and needs to be jiggled a couple of times to make sure all the water drains out once a person is finished showering.
Otherwise, the next person to use the shower gets a two second blast of cold water, forcing them to turn and run away. But there’s nowhere to run. And a person, e.g., me, could slip and fall and darn near suffer a major injury.
So, in order to celebrate a 67th anniversary (just like the couple mentioned in PT 1) amidst an atmosphere of peace and progress, Pat and I and all like-minded couples across Canada and the US should work on my Marriage Tip 1 - jiggle the thingy on the faucet after a shower.

While typing the above I had the following insight. My wife will read it and say she always does that and she knows - from experience - that I don’t always do it.
Listen, I’m not trying to cast blame here. The Marriage Tips apply equally to both of us and the other aforementioned couples - very equally.
Tip 2 - put the milk back in the fridge after each use. (I know I never forget to do that, but I could, and somebody else might. So, it’s important).
Tip 3 - put extra bags of milk in the refrigerator freezer, not the basement freezer, so that when more milk is needed someone doesn’t have to walk all the way downstairs to get it. I mean, where’s the incentive to thaw out milk for the next day?
Tip 4 - what couples say in the kitchen stays in the kitchen. What is said shouldn’t be shared with the kids by one or the other to gain support or with hockey teammates to garner sympathy. (Not that I would ever do that).
Tip 5 - when a new purchase enters the house, something old must leave. Therefore, we lessen the chance to end up with three of everything in the basement or garage.
["Hey, there's a good reason I have three extra hockey sticks!": photo GH]
Tip 6 and beyond will follow shortly.
Please click here to read It Strikes Me Funny: Pt 1 - Secrets to a long, happy marriage, if you haven’t done so already.
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