“What coalition?” one might ask.
Good question. Answer: Harper is just blowing smoke and fire down your pants.
Shortly thereafter Harper promised income sharing benefits to families. They can be collected in 2015 - maybe. Just more smoke and fire down your pants.

["Harper: Not friendly by half"]
Though there is a slim chance some Canadians will benefit from Harper’s promise, there is an excellent chance all Canadians will one day suffer the consequences of providing Harper and Harperites (important residents of Harperville) the keys to high political office.
This from a well-respected, local Member of Parliament:
“I have stood and voted for bills I believed vital to the future and health of this country, only to have the success of such votes ignored by the present government. I looked on as the Harper government secretly passed along a 200-page handbook to its members about how to scuttle committees and blunt their usefulness.” The Parallel Parliament
Surely the writer jests. Harper wants to scuttle committees, blunt their usefulness, slow or hinder the democratic process?
Unfortunately, according to a fine book I’m reading, the MPs words are true.
This from Tar Sands Showdown by Tony Clarke:
“Canada’s vulnerability in terms of energy security (e.g., having enough to heat our homes) was underlined by the response University of Alberta professor and president of the Parkland Institute Gordon Laxer received in April 2007 from the National Energy Board (NEB) regarding a series of inquiries he had submitted in preparation for his report Freezing In The Dark: “Unfortunately, the NEB has not undertaken any studies on security of supply.”
Yet, says Laxer, the NEB was established back in 1959 with precisely the mandate of ensuring the long-term security of Canada’s energy supply.

["Canada: Not secure by half"]
A few weeks later Laxer appeared as a witness before the House of Commons committee on international trade to present the results of his research on energy security issues in Canada. But, almost as soon as he began, his testimony was shut down by the chair of the committee, a member of the Harper government, who promptly adjourned the proceedings.
In short, there are serious grounds for concern about increasing energy insecurity in Canada, particularly in relation to supplies of oil and natural gas.” pg. 206
Harper is in control? Yes.
Harper is doing what is right for Canada, for Canadians? Not a chance.
But... he is the Grand Wizard when it comes to blowing smoke and fire down your pants.
More to follow.
Please click here to read Smoke and Fire Pt 2.
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