Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It Strikes Me Funny: "nasty old squirrel"

I figured it out. I now know how one particular gray squirrel - and one only - got into my bird feeder the other day.

This morning, while sitting beside the window that looks out onto the backyard feeder, a flash of gray caught my eye and I lifted my head just in time to see a singularly athletic squirrel land atop the feeder. My first reaction was not to take a photo to show you. I reached for the window lock, raised the glass and scared the thievin' varmint away!

So, how it did the squirrel succeed at a task at which hundreds of others had failed? By managing to jump from a springy bough on the closest tree? Nope.

It jumped from the red roof (above left) that is situated over my workshop door and just under my study's window ledge. It's a bold one it is.

Spring is well sprung and so is that nasty old squirrel.

Link to Gord's Journal: "harsh reality"

Photos by GH

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