Monday, September 23, 2019

Remembering the Eclipse of 2017.

From the Beach at Port Bruce.

Two images of the 2017 eclipse caught by backwards binoculars : )

I needed a lengthy list of items in order to adequately collect images of the eclipse in real time:

white art canvas


two cameras

a motorcycle

a lake side destination (I picked Port Bruce, natch!)

sun glasses

and money for a BLT and ice cream cone.

 I got into position - on the north shore of Lake Erie - as the eclipse began

Oh, I should have carried a beach chair on the motorcycle!

Lots of shots from my deep photo files:

Part 1 - As the moon begins to pass in front of the sun  

Part 2 - As the moon leaves the surface of the sun

My hand is getting tired. Time for a walk about...

Part 3 - I walk about in the darker atmosphere

I aimed one camera at the sun. Note the tiny image of the eclipse
to the right of the sun burst : ) Happy accident?

Please link to The Taste of Elderberries

Photos GH

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