“Yes, I'm a cement mixer for you, baby
A churning urn of burning funk.”
How can you not get into that song?

Yes, you heard it here first: ‘Steamroller Blues’ by Sweet Baby James Taylor will make a comeback and you’ll soon be tapping your shoes - or dipping - to the song’s infectious beat.
As I suggested in PT 1, some Ontarians will say the song’s resurgence will come about as a result of Premier McGuinty’s pushy style. ‘Cause, as you all know, he’s the guy who is planting ‘sinister’ wind turbines - steamroller-style - on every street corner, in front of the best lakeside views and in the middle of every corn field and soy bean patch in the province.
However, I say there’s more burning funk heading our way than a single politician or political party can ever possibly dish out.
Just wait ‘til we get run over by the steamrolling affect of our own North American lifestyle, baby.
Sure, grocery prices are going to rise. Count on it. But that’s nothin’. (Article: Consumers to take brunt)
Sure, corn prices will soon go through the roof (higher if weather doesn’t cooperate), making many other commodities pricier. But that’s nothin’.
Sure, hockey parents already know their kid’s favourite sport is getting too darn expensive and are saying ‘the puck stops here’. But that’s nothin’.
Wait ‘til you get a load of how much Canada has to invest over the next 20 years in aging electrical infrastructure to meet growing demand. (Must every family have two big-screen TVs and a fridge the size of an SUV?)
What’s the figure? Sit down for this one.
$300,000,000,000. (Conference Board of Canada)
$300 B.
Of course, at the same time, many if not most other Thing$ are going North. $$. All related to our lifestyle.
Makes me wonder: Is our Premier being a bit pushy about alternative energy sources for good reason?
Is McGuinty a bigger steamroller than our own lifestyle?
How much could we decrease demand by conservation of energy?
Can we slow down the steamroller ourselves?
Must we listen to ‘Steamroller Blues’ a dozen times before we get the message?
“Well, I'm a demolition derby
A hefty hunk of steaming junk.”
Please click here to read Climate Change Concerns PT 1.
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