“Who would want to wear an old pair of an old school teacher’s pants?” I asked.
“Ha! Not me,” I said - quite truthfully.
Then I added, “However, I think I’ll try to get a few bucks for 3 LPs, hat pins and a Bob Dylan scrapbook. Five bucks.”
In other words then, the pants are gone.
And this morning I added three shirts (and a vest I haven’t worn much if at all in the last 10 years) to the discard box. This pm.m or next I’ll put up an ad on Kijiji London to see if anyone wants to pay big bucks for a few LPs and a Bob Dylan scrapbook. (“We all gotta pay somebody, Bob.”)
As you can see in the photo, I have one full box of STUFF beside my study door. Out it goes. One room done, several more to clean and declutter. Another empty box is needed, ahead of schedule.
That’s where Earl comes in. Earl works for the LCBO or liquor store at York and Ridout. He’s the guy I see for empty boxes. And Guinness.
Someone may well ask, “Do you have the habit of decluttering yet?”
No. It will take time. Rome wasn’t built in a day.
“Will you reach your goal of filling 20 boxes with STUFF by the end of 2011?” another may ask.
Well, if I get into the decluttering habit, and fill one box every two weeks for the next four or five weeks, then yes, the rest of the year should fall in line - in theory.
And I’ll be able to see the floor in the basement!
Stay tuned.
Please click here to read Time (again) to declutter PT 4
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