A pecuniary thought came to mind after dusting off and posting a column from May, 2003. The column, along with 49 others, appears in a softcover book printed in 2004 or 2005.
Not only is it a brilliant book (How could it not be?), but I have 5 copies left in my closet, and it is the perfect gift for a Christmas stocking, or the perfect size for that wee step (you know, the one the grandkids use) sitting beside your toilet.
About the gravy. I sold the books originally for $14.99 each, paid off the printing costs, then sold others for $10 ea. and enjoyed life - for once, for awhile - on the gravy train.
["Fits perfectly on top of a Sudoku book": photos GH]
Here’s the deal. Want a copy? If local, meet me at The Red Roaster in Wortley Village for the handoff. $10. Includes a coffee and warm hand shake. Or I’ll drop it into a brown paper bag and deliver to your mailbox.
Live far away? Leave a comment. We’ll talk re postage and handling.
If you plan to just keep reading my column in The Londoner for free, I tip my hat. That’s what I’m going to do!
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