I know professional organizers likely follow rules laid down in a thick book of policies and procedures but I just climbed over my laundry hamper, found what I thought was my desk, and went to work.
I made a small dent.
["One pile of papers in the study still requires attention": photos GH]
It’s two days later and I realize I should formulate some sort of game plan, with more goals in mind than the two I expressed Monday.
I said then, ‘maybe the decluttering will take the rest of my life. I’m okay with that, as long as I see weekly progress.’
Though my attitude about the work ahead is positive, I should have more goals than the already stated, i.e., ‘I’m going to start with my study. And because my time is valuable, I’m going to try to make some money out of the decluttering process.’
Knowing what I’m like, I need to set goals that suit my character and are within my limits. The whole house decluttered in one week, one month - forget it. I like to motorcycle in the summer, play hockey once per week, write every day if possible, hit the workshop several days per week (birdhouses don’t make themselves, you know), exercise, eat, cook meals, watch TV, visit with friends at The Roaster... and so much more.
I know. Point to any of the above and you have a reason why the house needs decluttering. You’re right.
But, I think I can add the following goal, develop the ‘declutter bug’ as a habit, and then move on with my life without a huge weight (of stuff) on my shoulders.
["Not much for the curb at the moment."]
Here’s what I think: I’ll still sell a few items if the process isn’t a huge effort. Otherwise, said items go into a box and onto the curb or to Good Will Industries.
I’ll also attempt to rid the house of one full cardboard box of stuff every two weeks, on average, for the remainder of 2011 (20 in total). Twenty doesn’t sound like much, but I’m after the ‘habit of decluttering’ for the long term.
About my study. I have one pile of papers and two shelves on my desk to sort and two clothing racks to look at. I should have my first box ready to go by Friday p.m.
Unless I run into friend Don again before then!
More to follow.
Gord’s current ‘Goals for Decluttering’
Start with one room
Keep positive. Rome wasn’t built in a day
Sell a few items only if it’s worth the effort
One full box of stuff leaves the building every two weeks in 2011 (20 for the year; I started late - like 40 years too late!)
Develop the decluttering habit
Don’t meet up with Don until Saturday
Please click here to read Live Small PT 1: Time (again) to declutter
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