Of saunas, bathing suits, fires and safety at the Y - conclusion
( ...I couldn’t imagine I would run naked into the pool area either, but in an emergency I’m sure people are capable of doing lots of interesting things.)
I continued. “Just the way this notice is worded here. ‘Someone put their bathing suit in the sauna and it caught fire.’ Was it the dry sauna that caught fire or was it someone’s bathing suit?”
“Oh, it was a man’s bathing suit,” she replied helpfully.
“How hot does the dry sauna have to get in order to make some guy’s bathing suit burst spontaneously into flames?”
I really wanted to know.
I could get more intense about my training in the future and upgrade to the Plus Membership. I would need this important, scientific information. And was it a Speedo or regular trunks?
[“The story is funnier if you picture me in a Speedo.” gah]
“Well, it happened like this,” she explained. “Someone threw their bathing suit on the hot rocks and started the fire. Actually, three bathing suits and a newspaper were found in the sauna.”
I’m sure the notice on the front counter has encouraged a number of questions from members but three bathing suits and a newspaper would generate a few more. Can you imagine?
I can understand that a bathing suit placed on the hot rocks in a dry sauna will start to burn, but who among us would say, “Guys, a fire! Quick, drop the paper - let’s get outta here! What? Your bathing suits? Forget about them! We’ll just run to the pool!”
I think they should change the sign.
Attention Members: Keep your bathing suits on at all times.
Please click here to read Of saunas, bathing suits, fires and safety at the Y PT 1
that was a hard picture for a "sister" to look at, here I've been imagining you all slim and trim..sure that was one of those funny mirrors at the Circus right? You're brave to pose like that, I'll give you that..love L.Dee
No funny circus mirror. just a different camera angle.
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