And I know I get a better deal - price per cup - when I buy bags of Red Roaster coffee and brew my own at home.
But... and this is a big but... how much is one cup of coffee when I brew it at home?
Why do I ask?
We’re going to hear a lot of news and negative reaction related to rising food costs; but the move toward brewing our own coffee and cooking our own meals (in order to save money) will seemingly take forever.
Some people will react like this reader who emailed the following in response to an earlier post about ‘dropping the drive-thru’ coffee habit and making java at home:
“I don’t have to. I don’t want to. And I won’t.”
["How much does a hearty breakfast really cost?": photos GH]
So, when people start complaining I want to be able to tell them - honestly - how much they’ll save by using the room in their house with all those shiny appliances.
I ask you: What’s that room called again?
Please click here for more I Ask You.
Well put, sir! This obsession for "convenience" has always been mind-boggling, when you look at how far we take it. How "inconvenient" is it to brew coffee at home (you fill the water, you scoop coffee grounds into the basket, you hit "brew") and then put it in a reusable travel mug to go, when many people will drive out of their way to get Starbucks or whoever to make it for them because it's "convenient?" It's ridiculous. I love my coffee shops, but it's a treat, not a daily standard. Home brewed coffee undercuts the price of drive-thru several times over, in the actual price of the brewed cup and the gas it saves, not idling in the drive-thru line!
Keep up the great posts and keep inciting people to use their brains! :)
Thanks for your visit, Angela. We do take convenience too far and many are unaware of the many consequences. Adding 'travel expenses' to the cost, as you suggest, is something we should calculate. I'll add that to my next related post. GH
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