If I mention to a person that I’m decluttering a room or shelf or closet, it isn’t long before they tell me they’re up to their knees in stuff too.
I say, welcome to North America, home of the brave, beleaguered and bewildered.
[Don says, "Here. Take some LPs. They're free": photos GH]
What to do with all the stuff that keeps me from seeing my hardwood floors?
Set some goals.
One of mine is as follows:
One full box of stuff leaves the building every two weeks in 2011 (20 for the year; I started late - like 40 years too late!)
Over coffee this week, friend Don told me he was tidying up too. He had his own guidelines, developed as he went from room to room.
“Ask yourself,” he said, “what use is an Acker Bilk record? Especially if it has been sitting in your basement for 20 years and you don’t listen to records anymore?”
I thought that was as a good question to pass along.
He continued: “Don’t get too sentimental. Do I need my father’s old metal lunchpail? No. I know what one looks like. It’s gone.”
My wife said she would have kept it. She has hung onto a few things that once belonged to her own father.
Me? I sold a metal lunchpail at a yard sale last year. But it was my own, so I don’t miss it. Had it been my dad’s the story might have ended differently. I have a few things tucked away that were my father’s. I’ll get rid of a lot of other stuff first if a certain shelf in my closet gets too crowded.
["My dad's cap from the Canadian Navy. Priceless"]
Don also asked, “Do I really need a playpen from the 1980s?”
That one was easy to answer. It’s gone.
“How long should I hang onto freeze dried food?” he asked. “I’ve kept it for 11 years so far, in case I ever go camping again.”
I told him to have it for supper.
Don then mentioned a special lesson he learned about hanging onto stuff for the sake of the kids. He had kept a tricycle in his attic for 40 years and when he got it down and showed it to his son he received a memorable response.
“Would you like your old tricycle?” Don asked his son.
“Why?” said Brian, now an adult.
It was good that Don asked. It puts a few (or many, depending on the size of your attic or basement) things in perspective, doesn’t it?
Yesterday I wrote something about my own goal to clean out my study: “I have one pile of papers to sort, two shelves on my desk to sort and two clothing racks to look at. I should have my first box ready to go by Friday p.m.”
Then I said, “Unless I run into friend Don again before then!”
See, after speaking with Don over coffee, we walked together to his car and looked at the stuff he was taking to the Good Will.
I suffered a setback.
I ended up taking a shirt and three old LPs. Not Acker Bilk, but three I didn’t really need nonetheless. I’m a sucker for old rugby shirts and albums with interesting artwork.
["I took it for the artwork - by Joni Mitchell"]
["Where's the 3rd LP? Tune in tomorrow": GH]
So, where am I at today?
I sorted out the two shelves on my desk, tossed a few items and will have a full cardboard box of stuff ‘to go’ by Friday, including more than 3 albums.
Gord’s current ‘Goals for Decluttering’
I’ll start with one room
I’ll keep positive. Rome wasn’t built in a day
I’ll sell a few items only if it’s worth the effort
I will remove one full box of stuff from the building every two weeks in 2011 (20 for the year; I started late - like 40 years too late!)
I will develop the decluttering habit
I’ll ask myself, what use is an Acker Bilk record?
I’ll try not to get too sentimental
I’ll ask my sons to help if they might benefit from the experience
I won’t look in Don’s trunk again
Please click here to read Live Small PT 2: Time (again) to declutter
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